- Collaboration in teams and team-efficiency
- Effective communication
- Conducting and receiving leadership & coaching
- Problem solving and creativity in teams
TeamUp is a serious game, that can be played in teams with a multiple of four players. Players have to collaboratively overwin a series of different kinds of obstacles and challenges. During gameplay players are located near each other – and at the same time all working with a laptop –, navigating with four avatars in an attractive, virtual atmosphere. Doing so, players can at the same time both interact via their avatars and communicate real-time. While pleasantly playing TeamUp, participants will together have to use different team competences such as communicating effectively, giving and receiving feedback and taking initiatives and decisions as a team. These skills are being tested and made visible in a balanced range of situations, in which confusion, success, adversity and flow can/will be met. Therefore, TeamUp is a convenient tool to expose and address a wide array of learning goal and can be played in the Regular and Master version, adding up to two times five levels of gameplay.
TeamUp is conducted by a trainer, who after gameplay with the participants debriefs gameplay and the results of the game thoroughly. In doing so, the trainer will be supported by different data that will be automatically generated by a dedicated application as part of the TeamUp software. TeamUp also provides for the possibility to pause during gameplay, e.g. inbetween the different levels, and integrate interim-debriefings in training programmes (segmented play). In short, TeamUp offers many possibilities and much flexibility to tailor your workshops and training programmes.
TeamUp for Trainers & Consultants
TeamUp is a modern, attractive and robust gaming tool, especially developed and with low barriers accessible for Trainers and Consultants. The Basic Kit TeamUp provides the basic software for the game and authorizes to use and play TeamUp with your own clients. Subsequently, a session of TeamUp can be activated with user licenses (-codes). Periodically, one-day Train-the-Trainer programmes for TeamUp are being organized. During the TTT all ins and outs of TeamUp and game facilitation skills will be covered. After the session trainers and consultants are all set to brief en debrief TeamUp in a fluent and powerful way and to generate relevant learning effects.
TeamUp is developed by The Barn in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology and Accenture and winner of the SAGANET Award 2013
Number of participants: 4 – 60
Duration: a minimum of 3 hours*
* Creating impact with one full day of game-based Team Boosting with TeamUp and WeQ? Contact us contact to learn more.